Script: Greg Meldrum Art and Lettering: David Broughton.
Above: A piccy from this wibbly wobbly timey wimey... story.
Owen Watts editor of the 'Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel' sent me a script on the 4th of April 2013. The script was writen by none other than Greg Meldrum. If you have read my blog before you may be aware that I co-created Martillo and worked on various other fantastic scripts written by Greg. I had a fair amount of artwork on the go which meant that I didn't start drawing this story until the 9th of July. I think the deadline Owen had given me was January 1st 2014, so I had plenty of time. As usual I've provided thumbnail sketches, rough layouts and finished pencils with comments detailing my process below. I sent Owen the fully coloured and lettered artwork on the 22nd of July.