Thursday, 24 December 2015


Script, Art & Lettering: David Broughton. Artwork Started: 08/06/15 Finished on: 15/09/15 Published online on: 01/12/15 Judge Dredd Bad Crop is not for profit fan fiction.
Judge Dredd created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra Copyright Rebellion.
ABC Warriors created by Pat Mills, Kevin O'Neill, Mike McMahon and Brendan McCarthy Copyright Rebellion.

Introduction: While trading at the Lawgiver 2 convention held in Bristol I was lucky enough to meet 2000AD forum members who told me that they had enjoyed my previous advent comic strips. I decided to draw another 25 page Judge Dredd story. After a week or so I came up with the idea for Bad Crop and began to write the story. As usual I write a page synopsis first. Then begin to flesh out the story. After that I start drawing up the rough page layouts.